Golden crop of another sort

Fewer awns than on the one on the main blog.

Some statistics from 2000 from the Swiss agricultural unit. Update: try this new page here.

Out of 88,419 hectares used for human consumption:
Winter wheat Winterweizen 85.3%
Summer wheat Sommerweizen 10.2%
Rye Roggen 2.2%
Spelt Dinkel 2.0%
Emmer, Einkorn 0.2%
Mischel 0.1%

Out of 78,139 hectares used for animal feed:
Winter barley Wintergerste 45.9%
Corn Körnermais 27%
Triticale 16.5%
Oats Hafer 5.7%
Winter barley Sommergerste 4.5%
Mischel 0.4%



claude said...

wheat or barley or rye ? That is the question ? For me on this picture perhaps rye. On the picture of your other blog, barley.
But may be I'm wrong. French wheat has no awn so much long.

Chuckeroon said...

This Claude knows his stuff......who would have believed that a simple banter about your posting of the "green stuff" could lead to this?

Anonymous said...


Paso a dejar saludos desde chile..

Un gran abrazo..

Z said...

Claude: All sounds reasonable.

Chuckeroon: Dangers lurk in the unlikeliest of places.

Eddy, thanks for your greetings from Chile!